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Coping at the Margins

College Students on Break
A look at how racial marginalization affects college students' mental health, sense of belonging and support at a historically white university

Given reports of a disparity between need and resources for mental health care on college campuses (more than 40% of college students report experiencing some form of a mental health issue, commonly anxiety or depression; while less than 25% of these students will receive and seek treatment), the purpose of this study is to further investigate the impact of the disparities within mental health care satisfaction. Simultaneously, we wish to pay close attention to how a student’s identity as racially marginalized impacts their satisfaction with mental health resources and better understand the strategies that they use to cope, their sense of self-efficacy, and sense of belonging. To make these questions even more interesting, we are exploring these issues at a historically white university (HWCUs) where a legacy of racial discrimination, bias and tensions remain.

If you are interested in learning more, email Jalisa Jackson at

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